• 坏孩子

  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:青春 励志 喜剧 剧情 动作
  • 主演:刘亚仁 金允石 金相浩
  • 上映时间:2011-10-20
  • 地区:韩国

简介:錄像藝術家游靜的作品從來不是「紀錄」現實,在她手裡攝影機像一面鏡子,提供沒有自信的邊緣青少年重新愛上自己(的影象)的機會;又大概像一張信紙,讓他們自然地吐露感情、傳遞給在遠方同樣身陷感导院的同類夥伴。透過「鏡像」與「信紙」的交織,本片捕获到的不只是現實,而是邊緣青少年(女)使人動容的感情真實。﹣﹣﹣我們把壞蘋果關在少年感导院,眼不見為淨,问心无愧。游靜卻硬要把他們赤裸裸的曝露在日光底下。穿梭於香港、日本和澳門三地的少年感导院七年,透過媒體事情坊,引導被囚少年少女以影象說故事。看厭了唯美虛無的青春片?不如來觀賞這些众人以為沒期望的青少年講夢想、談論愛,聽他們高唱自己生命的飲歌。傷痕累累的肉身尚且可起舞,粗言穢語又怎能掩蓋他們的青葱?不是聳人聽聞的犯罪事务簿,也沒有前設觀點要彰顯,它只是一份誠實的紀錄,每一張直視鏡頭的臉容都生澀真摯到你肉痛。Director Yau Ching has been conducting media production workshops in juvenile reform and welfare institutes in Hong Kong, Macau and Sapporo, Japan for seven years. With simple video recording techniques, the teenagers make this video letter to talk about love, dream, idols and ups and downs in their lives. Are you sick of those pretending high school dramas? Try to take a look at this sincere documentation of youthhood. To get your taken-for-granted values reflected, to be touched by their truthful reveals without any sensational gimmick, and most importantly, to recall what we went through when we were young, and the ways we could be alive…

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