


简介:Prior to Euro-American settlement in the 1820s, one of the major landscape features of North America was 240 million acres of tallgrass prairie. But between 1830 and 1900 -- in the span of a single lifetime -- the prairie was steadily transformed to farmland. This drastic change in the landscape brought about an enormous social change for Native Americans. In an equally short time their cultural imprint was reduced in essence to a handful of place-names appearing on maps.The extraordinary cinematography of prairie remnants, original score and archival images are all delicately interwoven to create a powerful and moving viewing experience about the natural and cultural history of America.《美国消失的风景:高草草原》讲述了一个生动而庞杂的故事,这个故事有关人类汗青上最为惊人的自然景观调换。在18世纪20年代欧裔美国移民迁入之前,北美首要的自然景观之一就是面积达2亿4万万公顷的高草草原。可是在1830年和1900年之间——在短短的一辈人之间——高草草原稳步地被转变为农田。这一自然景观上的猛烈的转变也在美洲原居民当中引起了庞大的社会变迁;在一样短暂的时间内,他们的文化印记被紧缩为一些出现在舆图上的地名。这部杰出的影片囊括了遗留的草原景观、隽拔的配乐和档案式的影像,并精致地将这三者熔为一体,为人们带来了一场关于美国自然史与文化史的,有力而感人的视觉体验。…

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